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Instructor of the Month - Ciera Greene

Between mud runs and jump squats during her awesome Stroller Strides classes, Ciera is always down for a fun workout! She loves to explore Orange County finding local farmers markets, restaurants and parks. But did you know that she wants to be a Ballerina when she grows up? I guess for now Stroller Barre will have to do!

Hometown: Inglewood

How long have you lived in Southern California? My whole life!

Tell us about your family: I have two little ones. My son is 6 years old and my daugther is 1 year old. My husband and I will celebrate 9 years of marriage this April. We love go on long drives along PCH and find farmer markets to explore in Orange County.

What did you want to be “when you grow up”? A ballerina

What is the furthest you have been away from home? I traveled to Paris, France

What is your favorite thing to do? I love watching movies with my family and alone. I love to check out new places to eat in the local area and finding new parks.

What is something about you that someone may not know? I have a collection of teddy bears when growing up as a kid.

What is your favorite local restaurant to eat at? What is your go to order? I love South of Nick's! I love the enchiladas divorciadas.

What is the best thing about living in Orange County? I love the parks around Orange County. It is so fun to check out new parks to go to with my little ones.

What is your favorite color? Pink and Yellow

What is your favorite song or artist? I love listening to all types of music! My favorite song at the moment is Alien Superstar by Beyonce. My favortie artist is Tiesto.

What TV shows are you currently watching? I am currently binge watching the office and parks and rec on Peacock.

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us: I am actually kinda shy!

If someone had to describe you in one word, what would it be and why? Sweet

How did you find FIT4MOM South OC? I found FIT4MOM with my son in a mom group on Facebook!

How long have you worked for FIT4MOM South OC? I worked with this amazing team for 6 months!

How has FIT4MOM South OC changed your life? FIT4MOM pushed me to meet new friends. It challenges me to try something new such as running as part of my fitness routine. FIT4MOM have me try something new like doing the mud run! FIT4MOM allow me to have a community that I can go to daily and build relationships with other moms.

What was the first class that you attended and/or taught? What was the last class that you attended and/or taught? First class I ever attended was stroller strides. The last class I taught was stroller strides at the sports park!

What classes do you currently attend and/or teach? I currently teach Stroller Strides. I also attend to stroller barre and Strides 360.

What is your favorite workout move or class layout? My favorite workout move is jump squats.