Lindsey Elsensohn.jpeg


Meet our bubbly instructor of the month Lindsey! She loves listening to The Beatles (her super adorable sons name is Jude!), spending time with friends and family and won't ever pass up a double double with animal style fries from In-n-Out! Next time you take her class ask her about her small beer mug tattoo, and see if you can find it on her!

Hometown: Aliso Viejo

How long have you lived in Southern California? My entire life

Tell us about your family: I have been married for 5 years to my college sweetheart. We got pregnant one year after being married which came as a shock to us but we adore our son Jude! Our baby girl will be making her grand entrance this December. We also have a rescue Pitbull named Charlie!

What did you want to be “when you grow up”? I wanted to be a teacher.

What is the furthest you have been away from home? I've been to a few countries in Europe

What is your favorite thing to do? I enjoy doing anything that involves spending time with my family or friends.

What is something about you that someone may not know? I have two different Master's degrees: MA in Psychology and MA in Organizational Leadership.

What is your favorite local restaurant to eat at? What is your go to order? I am a sucker for In-n-Out. I love a double double with animal style fries any day of the week!

What is the best thing about living in Orange County? Being so close to my family and living somewhere where everything is familiar since I have lived here my entire life.

What is your favorite color? Red

What is your favorite song or artist? The Beatles!

What TV shows are you currently watching? I just restarted Friends for about the 10th time

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us: I have a small tattoo of a beer mug that would be very difficult to locate lol!

If someone had to describe you in one word, what would it be and why? Bubbly! I've always had an easy time talking to people and creating a welcoming environment.

How did you find FIT4MOM South OC? Through my bestie Kasey Casner!

How long have you worked for FIT4MOM South OC? I am coming up on my one year anniversary of working with Fit4Mom South OC!

How has FIT4MOM South OC changed your life? It has provided me with the community I never knew I was missing and has given me a new sense of purpose. It is so easy to lose your self in motherhood and I just adore helping moms through this season of life.

What was the first class that you attended and/or taught? What was the last class that you attended and/or taught? I first attended Stroller Strides and first taught Strides 360.

What classes do you currently attend and/or teach? I teach Strides 360.

What is your favorite workout move or class layout? I love teaching and attending Strides 360!