

Hometown: Orange

Tell us about your family: The Nazari family. We are a family of 3 (with one baby on his way March 2023). My husband Sia and I, and our beautiful daughter Evie. We live in Mission Viejo.

What was your childhood ambition? When I was a child, I wanted to be a professional singer.

What does motherhood mean to you? Motherhood is so magical and hard at the same time yet I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I absolutely love being a mum and couldn't imagine my life without having children.

What is the furthest you have been away from home? Before having children, we traveled quite a bit. The furthest we have been was when we visited Thailand, Indonesia, Israel or Jordan.

What is your favorite thing to do as a family? Our favorite family activity is traveling, camping or enjoying the outdoors.

What is something about you that someone may not know? Probably a lot of things. Hehe Something someone may not know is that I follow a vegan or plant based diet.

What is your favorite healthy and unhealthy food? Favorite healthy food: fresh fruit and nuts. Favorite unhealthy food is French fries and dark chocolate peanut butter cups.

What is your favorite color? Pink

What is your favorite song or artist? I don't really do "favorites" with music or movies. For me, it's more about what is currently in rotation.

What TV shows are you currently watching? Emily in Paris, Working Moms, and Jane the Virgin.

Proudest moment: Becoming a mom.

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us: I have always wanted to teach group fitness classes. I've been certified as a personal trainer and spin instructor but have never taken action on actually teaching infront of a group. It was a big goal for me and Fit4Mom gave me both the opportunity & made me feel comfortable enough to go for it! I absolutely love teaching!

How did you find FIT4MOM? My next door neighbor told me about Fit4Mom. I decided to come try out a class and immediately knew it was something so very special about it. I've been coming ever since!

How has FIT4MOM changed your life? Fit4Mom has gotten me back in shape after having my daughter, helped me build my mom tribe and has given my SAHM life so much more balance! I have something fun to get out of the house for each day and that positive for both myself and my daughter.

Favorite exercise: Squats

What is a new years goal you have for YOU? To have a healthy baby in March and find a new routine with two where I can prioritize my health. Eating right & moving my body daily is very important to me.

What is a new years goal you have for your kiddos? To fully potty train Evie.

How did you celebrate bringing in the new year? We went to a friends home, ordered in pizza and let the kids play. It was mellow but fun!

Anything fun planned that you're looking forward to in 2023? We are planning to go camping & take an international flight as a family of four.