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Team Member of the Month - Alexandra Leach

Hometown: San Clemente

Tell us about your family: I have 3 kiddos, two boys (7 and 5) and a girl (2). Have been married for 9 years but we have known each other for 21 years! (That's a long time, I know! Lol) I have lived in San Clemente since I was 10 and my husband has lived in Dana Point pretty much his entire life. We met at the Ritz Carlton and every year we go back to the exact spot we met to relive the memory. We wanted to stay close to home to raise our family because our parents live only 3 miles away and we see them all the time. We also have 3 cats, a dog and a fish. We all enjoy surfing, biking, traveling and lots of pool time at the grandparents pool.

What was your childhood ambition? I was definitely into many things, but I always was ambitious and an entrepreneur. I always remember trying to make perfume out of my moms roses and trying to sell them to the neighbors, I had a playschool for the neighborhood kids, and I ran a front yard gas station for all the kids riding their "cars." I was definitely a busy body but I always had a passion to either travel the world to save animals and be a photographer for National Geographic.

What does motherhood mean to you? Motherhood for me is not what I expected especially after 3 kids. Trying to keep 3 people alive each day and make sure they always have everything they need at all times and trying to keep the peace between them and making sure they all feel loved and safe. Motherhood is not what I expected in other ways too, when someone comes up and gives you a hug for no reason or grabs your hand when they need to feel safe and the constant giggles that fill the air. It's also watching them experience something new for the first time. Motherhood is exhausting but rewarding knowing your raising human beings to be happy and be strong and capable so they can navigate life successfully. They make me proud everyday and I just wish time would slow down a bit.

What is the furthest you have been away from home? When I was in college I did a study abroad program and had the opportunity to live in Oxford England and attend school for 6 months. Whike I was there, I was able to travel every weekend to somewhere new. I also made some of my best friends from that program and we are now all raising kids- same friends just in a different season of life.

What is your favorite thing to do as a family? We are always outdoors at the beach, pool but we all love to visit the San Diego Zoo or Wild Animal Park.

What is something about you that someone may not know? When I was in high school I was in a movie called, 'Brick.' It was a mystery.

What is your favorite healthy and unhealthy food? I love salads and have one everyday- I can get creative making new versions of salads to keep it interesting. My favorite unhealthy food is Mac 'n Cheese, any kind and any time of day!

What is your favorite color? Blue- like the water and sky- it's calming and complements many things.

What is your favorite song or artist? Tom Petty! Track 14 on their greatest hits album. I have always felt that 'Free Falling' was written for me.

What TV shows are you currently watching? Bing watching 'Dead to Me.' And I always have HGTV on for background noise and inspiration. I have a degree in Interior Deisgn so I like to keep seeing what's the latest out their in the deisgn world.

Proudest moment: Buying our first home so that our kids had a safe place to be kids.

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us: I hate to bake. I get anxious about it. I always burn things or forget a main ingredient (like I forgot to put sugar in a sugar cookie recipe) so I have a reputation for not being a good baker. But I can cook- that I can do very well.

How did you find FIT4MOM? I went to the Grand Opening with my friend who was a member before Covid and I signed up that day and now a play date Captain. I also have a teaching degree and my first job was teaching art in Irvine so I felt like this role as play date captain was perfect for me.

How has FIT4MOM changed your life? I have met some of the best people/ moms from this program. We have become close and we get together often. They have been there for me in many ways- helping me navigate a situation with family or the kids and they have been my biggest supporters while I starting my new buiness. I also look forward to starting the day with a workout and conversation. Having other people to talk to and connect with has been such a benefit. Motherhood can be very isolating sometimes, so having this group motivates me to get out, move more and have someone I can relate to who's going through the same or similar situations as I am. We can all relate to things that motherhood surprises us with.

Favorite exercise: I love to run- once upon a time I ran everyday, miles at a time. I have completed many half- marathons and a full marathon. I am trying to get back into running, slowly but steadily.

What is your favorite winter tradition? We visit the mountains and go snowboarding- my oldest is just starting to learn to ski so we both took lessons last season and I got to ski with my son for the first time of what I hope will be many more.

What winter accessory do you love to wear most? My Ugg boots. My feet always get cold and they warm me right up.

What holiday dish can you not live without? The most untraditional would be Turkey Choo Suey- my mom makes it every year after Thanksgiving and I always am the first in line to get my bowl full.

What was your favorite memory of 2022? There is so many little moments but watching my oldest get his confidence in the ocean and surfing on his own.

How old is mommy? 36 (they know my age)

What is something mom always says to you? "No"

What is mom really good at? Making food

What is mom's favorite thing to do? Make food

What makes you proud of your mom? She takes care of me